Free Star Rating System For Blogs And Websites
Free Firebase Powered ★ Star Rating System for websites and blogs. Easy and customizable, Simple Star Rating Widget.

How to create free Firebase and connect it to Star Rating System

1. Create free Firebase account

Firebase is a system belonging to Google, so to log in to Firebase, you need a Google account. If you already have one, you even don't have to register anywhere, because you can use to it your existing Google account. But if you don't have a Google account, you have to create one. So go to: ➤

Create account or use your existing account, and log in to Firebase by clicking SIGN IN

Create Firebase account and sign in

2. Go to Firebase console

When you're logged in, click GO TO CONSOLE

Go to Firebase console

3. Add new Firebase project

Next click Add project

Add Firebase project

4. Create new project

In the window that appears, name your project as you like, confirm all terms, and click Create project

Create new project

5. Click "Develop"

When your project is created, click Develop in the left menu

Click develop

6. Go to database

In the submenu which will show after clicking "Develop", click database

Go to the database

7. Scroll down the page

Don't choose "Cloud Firestore" and scroll down the page

Scroll down the page

8. Create Realtime Database

After scrolling down, choose "Realtime Database" and click Create database

Create realtime database for star rating sysmem

9. Click "Enable"

In the window that appears, click Enable

Click Enable button

10. Go to Firebase security rules page

When your database is created, click Rules in the top menu

Go to firebase security rules

11. Generate your security rules

Now, in the field below, enter the url of the website where you want to place the star rating system (only home page url), and click Generate security rules

Add website
Generate security rules
Security rules:
Security Rules copied ✅

12. Return to Firebase Rules page, delete default security rules and replace it with your own

Copy your generated rules from above Security rules field, next go to Firebase rules page, clear the field with old security rules and paste there your own security rules. Next click Publish button. Thanks to this, no one (except you) will be able to save any data in your database

Publish your own Firebase security rules

13. Return to data page

Now your Firebase is ready to storing data from Star Rating System. Return to your database by clicking Data

Return to your database

14. Copy your Firebase URL

Copy your Firebase URL from field at the top of your database

Copy your firebase URL

15. Go to the Star Rating System Generator and paste there your Firebase URL

If you want to create Star Rating System for any website, go to default Star Rating Widget Generator ➤, but if your Rating Widget has to be installed on Blogger, go to Blogger Star Rating Generator ➤. Then, in both cases, paste your Firebase URL to field named Firebase URL (this is the first field in generator)

Paste your Firebase URL to Star Rating System Generator

16. Fill all other fields in the generator

Fill in the remaining fields in star rating widget generator depending on how you want your widget to look and function

Fill all fields in the generator

17. Copy Rating Code

For the Blogger widget, after setting everything according to your preferences, just click Install Star Rating System button and that's all - the Star Rating Widget has been installed on your Blogger blog 👍.
But for Widget for other websites, now copy the generated Rating Code from the field named Rating code to copy and paste

Copy rating code you generated

17. Paste the Rating Code on your website

Paste the Rating code into your website (exactly in the place where you want the Rating Widget to appear)

Paste rating code on your website

Congratulations - The Star Rating System has been correctly installed on your website 😉👏